We moved into chapters 8-12 which are specifically, as we have said, addressed to the nation of Israel in captivity. We’ve gone through chapters 2-7 very carefully. We’re just not aware of the faithfulness of God until He puts us into situations where we need His faithfulness and that’s what the events of last week I think unfold and I think that’s what’s happening here in the Book of Daniel.Ĭhapter 1 is an introduction to the book we’ve gone through that. In fact, that’s the time that God really shows up and begins to demonstrate His faithfulness towards us. The faithfulness of God never stops because people have been displaced from their comfort zone. And so I think this is something that Christians in Houston need to be reminded of as we walk through this difficult ordeal together. And Daniel being displaced from his home, being exported about 350 miles to the east, found out that God’s faithfulness didn’t stop at the borders of Israel. Some of you have been displaced from your homes I know from personal e-mails. You say why doesn’t the Bible apply to our lives at all. The Book of Daniel was written by a guy outside of his comfort zone having been displaced from his home.

We are continuing to move progressively through the Book of Daniel. I mean, we’re getting close, don’t you think? If you’re joining us for the first time I was joking about all that stuff. Then I saw another passage that said the last trump and I said well, our President is named Trump…. As the events of this week were taking place I started to ask the Lord, is this the end times that we’re seeing? And in the process I was studying our passage in the Book of Daniel and in the process I was studying our passage in the Book of Daniel and I read these words, “the end will come with a flood. If we could take our Bibles and open them to Daniel, chapter 9 and verse 24.