Oh and get this in the 4th round you won't need the mama fish you will have a preggo fish that will pop out babies CONSTANTLY and you will need those piranha's more than ever, especially when we have this HUGE fish that eats pirahnas and poops out treasure chests. The third round will have another bottom feeder that pukes up strange looking beetles, not really worth much but if you get the beetle catcher which is a strange looking creature that will turn the beetles into pearls. In the second round you can feed the fish some formula that will turn them shiny and they poop stars, and then you'll need the star catchers that are basically bottom feeders but they serve a purpose they catch the stars and they turn them into diamonds, but this round also introduces Gus, clicking on him won't defeat him you have to feed him til he dies so upgrade the food often. There are other fish you can raise like Piranhas but they eat the Guppies (don't buy them unless you have the preggo the mama fish on you and you are satisfied with the number of grown fish you have) however the Piranhas also poop diamonds. When you defeat the aliens they eventually turn into Diamonds.

Story: You are raising goldfish in a strange aquarium where you have to protect them from aliens, oh did I neglect to bring up that the fish in the tank poop coins? the baby guppies don't poop anything but as they grow they eventually poop silver coins, gold coins, and if they survive long enough eventually they poop out diamonds. PopCap put out some real gems.literally my first game from them was Bejeweled, but I'm not going to talk about that today, I'm going to talk about Insaniquarium, but what's so exciting about a game about a fish tank? well I'm going to tell you

And now for a brief essay I would like to call: Why I'm doing this today instead of tomorrow.I screwed up the Adventure Workshop review real bad, I put the wrong content in the wrong game and now on with the review already in progressĪh, does anyone remember a time where you could download games off the internet, not really caring if you caught a virus or not? I do! I would download games all the time, even though they weren't full version (basically you will be allowed to play the game for about an hour and then when times up you have to pay for the game, some games will allow you to add more time like 2-5 minutes for free, depending on where you download them from).