Have you ever wanted to play Left 4 Dead 2 split-screen with 2 players on 1 PC? you might think it"s impossible but the split-screen mode is actually integrated into the game but it"s just hidden.You will need to access the developer console and execute some commands to achieve split-screen mode on your PC.You can also pair 2 or more PC"s on the same network and have more than 2 players.This works for all game modes including mutations and even add-on maps.I know lots of people struggle to do this and play flawlessly so if this guide helped you please let me know in the comments, and if you had any problems or didn"t know what to do let me know in the comments too :) Have you ever wanted to play L4D2 split-screen 2 players on 1 PC? if you did this guide will help you to do so.